jane sent me this. whoever this guy is, he puts it perfectly.
Designers are unique. Our days
demand an unusual combination of
qualities: exceptional competence,
creative instincts, intelligence and
savvy. As professionals, we offer
the ability to reason, strategize
and create. We are motivated by
challenge and risk. We have the
power to inspire others-and the
courage to try.
Designers dream on the job.
Nothing is ordinary. We carry a
different definition of important.
We're curious, fragile, resilient,
unpredictable. And in the process
of our work and our lives, we strive
to make things better for the world
around us.
Don't let on, but this job isn't as
glamorous as people make it out to
be. Reality checks are constant. But
we have our moments. Sometimes
frightening, never boring. We face
questions of struggle and doubt,
and suddenly, marvelous times of
clarity and conviction. These are
our secret moments. The moments
that unite us.
Designers take on a daily journey.
We travel through new worlds, new
events, new possibilities. Where will
I go today? What dragons will i
slay? And why would i do anything
else? This is the spirit of our days,
the spirit of our work, the spirit of
our lives. Amazing.
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