

a lot has happened since my previous post...you know how debbie millman tweeted about my video. well she must have told someone else about it because it showed up as a blog post on the sterling brands' blog. talk about exposure. they put links to my blog and to the AU thinktank blog. hoooolllllyyyyy crap! i was sitting at my desk at work when i saw it and my mouth dropped open. i gasped. then saw the links to our blogs. then gasped again. this has been one of the most amazing days. i'm so glad i stayed up until 3:30 last night editing and uploading that video. AU's movin' up in the world!

oh, i am still in shock.


about this blog...

this blog was created by kelly johnson on september 28th, 2006. originally to share with others, just my thoughts, it evolved into a blog for sharing my inspiration and work. enjoy.

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